Valentines Day

Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is more than just a day for romantic couples - it's an opportunity to celebrate love in all its beautiful forms. Whether you're single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, this holiday can be a meaningful time to practice self-love and appreciation for the important connections in your life.

Valentine's Day is an annual celebration of love and affection observed on February 14th each year. Originally rooted in Christian tradition, it commemorates Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who lived in the 3rd century.

 Key Characteristics

  • Celebrated worldwide as a day to express romantic love, friendship, and admiration
  • Involves exchanging cards, gifts, flowers (especially red roses), and spending special time with loved ones
  • Not a public holiday, but an official feast day in some Christian denominations

Historical Origins
The holiday has complex roots tracing back to ancient Roman festivals like Lupercalia, a spring fertility celebration.

Over time, the day transformed from a Christian feast day honouring Saint Valentine into

 a widespread cultural celebration of romantic love.

Modern Traditions

Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries, with traditions varying across cultures. While primarily associated with romantic couples, some cultures also use the day to express love between family members and friends.

Typical celebrations include:

  • Sending greeting cards
  • Exchanging gifts
  • Sharing romantic dinners
  • Expressing affection through gestures of love

Here is our Gift Guide to help you find the perfect Gift for your loved one this Valentines Day.

 Hearts Desire Bracelet – Mae & Grace Personalised

Diamante Heart Sleepers – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery

Mummy & Me Silver Luna Set – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery

Cupids Bow Bangle – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery

Amor Bracelet – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery

Celeste Sweetheart Charm Bracelet – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery

Cupids Bow Ring – Mae & Grace Personalised Jewellery



Thank you for taking the time to read our Blog.

Happy Valentines Day xoxo 


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